The Code from Finland symbol helps you identify software products and services developed in Finland.
Usage rights are granted by application to companies whose software products are developed in Finland with at least 80 per cent domestic content in terms of production costs. The rights can also be granted to companies whose software development services, delivered to customers located in Finland, have at least 80 per cent domestic content in terms of production costs. The right to use the symbol is valid for a year at a time.
Should your products or services not fulfil the criteria for the symbol, but you wish to sponsor our mission, you are welcome to join as a supporter! Private persons are also welcome to become members as supporters.
Criteria for Code from Finland symbol / company membership
1) Product
Usage rights can be granted for software products, provided that they are developed in Finland with at least 80 per cent domestic content in terms of production costs.
2) Software Development Service
Usage rights can be granted to companies, provided that their software development services, delivered to customers located in Finland, have at least 80 per cent domestic content in terms of production costs.
The symbol can also be applied to services that are delivered outside Finland but that fulfil the same criterion.
a) In corporate image communications, the Code from Finland symbol must specifically refer to the company name or brand, and only those products or services that have been granted usage rights.
b) The company may also use the symbol in its corporate image communications, such as in image or brand advertising, on the condition that all the company products fulfil the criteria of section 1, or all the software development services the company offers to Finnish customers fulfil the criteria of section 2, or the company fulfils all the criteria if it produces both products and services.
c) The Code from Finland association may cancel usage rights if the applicant has given the association incorrect information, or if the association considers the applicant to have misled the association in some other way.
d) Usage rights will similarly be cancelled if the symbol is used incorrectly, misleadingly, or unethically, and if the member organisation acts in breach of these rules or their spirit.
e) The right to use the symbol is valid for one year at a time, and it is tied to being a member of the association.
Production cost
The production cost comprises the following costs:
- Design
- Specification
- Conceptualisation
- Programming
- Testing
- User interface design
- Graphic design
The production cost also includes work done by subcontractors.
The production cost does not include open source components used in the product or software components licensed from third parties, as long as they are not produced specifically for the company in question.
Domestic content
Domestic content includes the costs listed in the definition of production cost that have been carried out in Finland by a person who pays their taxes in Finland.